EXPANDathon 2015 Weekly Reminders

What should I be working on this week??

AfterEXPANDathon  registration closes in November 15, until we're all together in December 9th, the IHE-Europe support staff will here to guide your technical and logistical preparation. For easy reference, we gather a summary of weekly reminders on this page.


Week of Nov 01:

- Attend the Nov 02 webinar "EXPANDathon Registration Steps" to learn about registration of systems and participant.

- register your system for EXPANDathon testing session

Week of Nov 08:

- register your system for EXPANDathon testing session

Week of Nov 15:

- Attend the Nov 16 webinar "EXPANDathon Pre-Testing", to learn about test tools, pre-Connectathon tests & other technical preparation resources.

- Execute Pre-CAT tests

Week of Noc 22: - Execute Pre-CAT tests
Week of Nov 29:

- Execute Pre-CAT tests

- Attend the Dec 04 webinar "EXPANDathon Preparation", to learn about tests execution, tools used during the EXPANDathon testing session, samples management, etc.

Week of Dec 04:

- Review your Network configuration (OIDs, ports, configurations)

- Participation in the EXPANDathon testing session from 09/12 to 11/12