12122: Patient Encounter Management

This test will be performed against the PAMSimulator tool. The goal of this test is to check the capability of your system to send/receive the messages defined within the ITI-31 (Patient Encounter Management) transaction. This test is only dealing with the basic set of trigger events defined for ITI-31, that means Patient admisssion, registration, discharge and the relative cancellation.


You will retrieve the patients the simulator has sent or received under the "All patients" menu; for each patient, the list of relative encounters is available under the tab entitled "Patient's encounters". You may want to use the filter to facilitate your search. If you are using the simulator as a PES, you can log onto the application using the CAS mechanism (use your Gazelle credentials) and easily retrieve the patients you have created within the application by checking the "see only patients created by me" checkbox. If you use the simulator as a PEC, the creator of the patients/encounters received by the simulator is the sending facility_sending application of your system under test.  Once you have found the right patient, click on the magnifying glass you will get the permanent link to this patient; copy and paste it into the comment box of your pre-connectathon test instance. 

Before starting your test, please read the instructions at http://gazelle.ihe.net/content/pre-connectathon-tests/pam


This test requires three patients we will name Patient1, Patient2 and Patient3. According the PAM profile, there is no need for the consumer to be aware of these patients before receiving encounter notifications for them.

This test is divided into two parts:

Patient Encounter Supplier

You will use the PAM Simulator as a Patient Encounter Consumer. Go to the Patient Encounter/Management/Patient Encounter Consumer page in order to retrieve the configuration (IP address, port, receiving facility/application) of the simulator.

1. Admit patient

  1. Within your system, create Patient1 and Patient2. Patient class for both patients needs to be "inpatient" (I). If you are not inspired for creating patient demographics, you can use the Demographic Data Server Gazelle application, or, if your system is also a Patient Demographic Consumer, use the PAM Simulator for receiving patients.
  2. For each patient, send a ADT^A01^ADT_A01 message to the simulator in order to admit them as inpatient.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledged your messages. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test reports into Gazelle Test Management.

2. Register patient

  1. Within your system, create Patient3. Patient class for this patient must be "outpatient" (O). 
  2. Send a ADT^A04^ADT_A01 message to the simulator to register this patient.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledged your message. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management.

3. Cancel admission

  1. Within your system, cancel the admission of Patient1.
  2. Send a ADT^A11^ADT_A09 message to notify the simulator of the cancellation of admission for Patient1.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledged your message. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management. 

4. Discharge patient

  1. Within your system, end the encounter of Patient2.
  2. Send a ADT^A03^ADT_A03 message to notify the simulator of the ending of the encounter for Patient2.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledges your message. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management.

5. Cancel discharge

  1. Within your system, cancel the discharge of Patient2.
  2. Send a ADT^A13^ADT_A01 message to notify the simulator of the cancellation of discharge for Patient2.
  3. Check the simulator has properly received and acknowledged your message. Copy and paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management.

In order to help the connectathon manager with checking this test, go to "All patients" page and retrieve Patient1, Patient2, Patient3. For each of those patients, copy the permanent link and paste it in Gazelle Test Management.




Patient Enconter Consumer

You will use the PAM Simulator as a Patient Encounter Supplier. You may want to log onto the application to easily retrieve the patients/encounter you will create. Go to the Patient Encounter Management/Patient Encounter Supplier page.

1. Admit patient

In this step, you are going to create Patient1 and Patient2 and to admit them as inpatients.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Admit  inpatient" and the action to perform to "INSERT (A01)"
  3. Select the "Generate a patient" option and in the "Patient generation with DDS" panel, select a country and click on the "Generate patient" button.
  4. Fill out the encounter showing up below the patient information, do not forget to choose "Inpatient" as patient class.
  5. Hit the "Send" button at the bottom of the page and check the simulator receives an acknowledgment from your system.
  6. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management. 
  7. Hit the "Perform another test" button and redo steps 1 to 6 for admitting Patient2.
  8. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof of admission of those two patients and upload it into Gazelle Test Management.

2. Register patient

In this step, you are expected to create Patient3 and to register them as outpatient.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Register  outpatient" and the action to perform to "INSERT (A04)"
  3. Select the "Generate a patient" option and in the "Patient generation with DDS" panel, select a country and click on the "Generate patient" button.
  4. Fill out the encounter showing up below the patient information, do not forget to choose "Outpatient" as patient class.
  5. Hit the "Send" button at the bottom of the page and check the simulator receives an acknowledgment from your system.
  6. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management. 
  7. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof of the registration of this patient and upload it into Gazelle

3. Cancel admission

In this step, you are expected to cancel the admission of Patient1.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Admit  inpatient" and the action to perform to "CANCEL (A11)"
  3. Select Patient1 from the list displayed and cancel his/her admission.
  4. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management
  5. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof of the cancellation of this admission.

4. Discharge patient


In this step, you are expected to discharge Patient2.

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Discharge patient" and the action to perform to "INSERT (A03)"
  3. Select Patient2 from the list displayed, then, select the encounter to end. Do not forget to fill out the discharge date/time  before clicking on the "Send" button.
  4. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management
  5. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof that the patient is discharged.

5. Cancel discharge

In this step, your are expected to cancel the discharge of Patient2

  1. Select your system under test in the drop-down menu.
  2. Set the category of event to "Discharge  patient" and the action to perform to "CANCEL (A13)"
  3. Select Patient2 from the list displayed and select the encounter to reopen. Cancel the discharge.
  4. Copy and Paste the permanent link to the test report into Gazelle Test Management
  5. Take a screenshot of your application that shows a proof that the encounter has been reopened.

In order to help the connectathon manager with checking this test, go to "All patients" page and retrieve Patient1, Patient2, Patient3. For each of those patients, copy the permanent link and paste it in Gazelle Test Management.