Modality Worklist Information Model - Find

Send Modality worklist queries to your Order Filler


Aquisition Modality
AE Title

Query configuration

Below is a tree view of the DICOM message (Modality Worklist Information Model - Find) being sent to your system under test. You can customize it by setting values and removing/adding attributes.
AccessionNumber (0x0008,0x0050) <SH> <click to add a value >
ReferringPhysicianName (0x0008,0x0090) <PN> <click to add a value >
PatientName (0x0010,0x0010) <PN> <click to add a value >
PatientID (0x0010,0x0020) <LO> <click to add a value >
PatientBirthDate (0x0010,0x0030) <DA> <click to add a value >
PatientSex (0x0010,0x0040) <CS> <click to add a value >
StudyInstanceUID (0x0020,0x000d) <UI> <click to add a value >
RequestedProcedureDescription (0x0032,0x1060) <LO> <click to add a value >
ScheduledProcedureStepSequence (0x0040,0x0100) <SQ>
Modality (0x0008,0x0060) <CS> <click to add a value >
ScheduledStationAETitle (0x0040,0x0001) <AE> <click to add a value >
ScheduledProcedureStepStartDate (0x0040,0x0002) <DA> <click to add a value >
ScheduledProcedureStepStartTime (0x0040,0x0003) <TM> <click to add a value >
ScheduledProcedureStepDescription (0x0040,0x0007) <LO> <click to add a value >
ScheduledProtocolCodeSequence (0x0040,0x0008) <SQ>
CodeValue (0x0008,0x0100) <SH> <click to add a value >
CodingSchemeDesignator (0x0008,0x0102) <SH> <click to add a value >
CodeMeaning (0x0008,0x0104) <LO> <click to add a value >
ScheduledProcedureStepID (0x0040,0x0009) <SH> <click to add a value >
RequestedProcedureID (0x0040,0x1001) <SH> <click to add a value >

Add an attribute to the query
