Transaction instance details (#465155)


Timestamp: 5/22/24 2:10:09 PM (CEST GMT+0200)

Simulated actor: Patient Demographic Supplier

Domain: IT-Infrasctructure

Transaction: ITI-78

Initiator: (Patient Demographic Consumer)

Responder: PatientManager (Patient Demographic Supplier)

Message metadata

Accept header

Validation result (Status: )

Validation of the request has not been performed yet or is not available


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Patient xmlns="">  
  <id value="16746"/>  
    <profile value=""/> 
  <extension url=""> 
    <valueString value="Wälti"/> 
    <system value="urn:oid:"/>  
    <value value="DDS-74668"/> 
    <system value="urn:oid:"/>  
    <value value="IHEBLUE-3358"/> 
    <system value="urn:oid:"/>  
    <value value="IHEFACILITY-3358"/> 
    <system value="urn:oid:"/>  
    <value value="IHEGREEN-3358"/> 
    <system value="urn:oid:"/>  
    <value value="IHERED-3358"/> 
  <active value="true"/>  
    <use value="official"/>  
    <family value="Rosenkranz"/>  
    <given value="Jann"/> 
  <gender value="male"/>  
  <birthDate value="2000-11-02"/>  
    <use value="home"/>  
    <line value="Rue du Coppet"/>  
    <city value="Monthey"/>  
    <postalCode value="1870"/>  
    <country value="CHE"/> 

Validation result (Status: )

Validation of the response has not been performed yet or is not available