Search Statistics Information Page

Administration section


In this section, the graphical representation displays overall number of searches in the times.

Web user interface

Searches stats - Admin part

  1. formular to generate a new graphic : select a beginning date, a end date and an interval size (day, week or month).
  2. go back in the times
  3. container displaying the number of searches for the interval whose the mouse is over it
  4. go forward in the times


Information page for a company


The information page of a company contains a graphical representation for the statistics. It's the comparison between overall number of searches and the number of searches where a system of the company was found.

For vendor-admin, the access to the graphical representation is different. The graphic is not on the edition/information page for the company. It's a new menu called "Consult company statistics".


Web user interface

Company stats

  1. formular to generate a new graphic : select a beginning date, a end date and an interval size (day, week or month).
  2. go back in the times
  3. go forward in the times
  4. container displaying the number of searches for the interval whose the mouse is over it